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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
effects of winter wheat row spacing on evapotranpsiration, grain yield and water use efficiency 陈素英; agricultural water management 2009
evaluating crop land productivity using MODIS derived time serious vegetation index and water index in North China Plain 王珍; remote sensing for agrigulture, ecosystem, and hydrology XI, proceedings of SPIE 2009
genetic analysis and molecular markers associated with multi-gynoecia (Mg) gene in Trigrain wheat 王志国; canadian journal of plant science 2009
highly efficient in vitro adventitious shoot regeneration of peppermint (mentha x piperita L.) using internodal explants. 王小环; in vitro cellular & developmental biology- plant 2009
IAN/GIMAPs are conserved and novel regulators in vertebrates and angiosperm plants 王志娟; plant signaling & behavior 2009
identification and expression analysis of miRNAs from nitrogen-fixing soybean nodules 王彦梅; biochemical and biophysical research communications 2009
isolation and characterization of an ABC-transporter cDNA clone from wheat (triticum aestivum L.) 胡晓君; molecular biology 2009
leaf photosynthesis enhanced in normal oil maize pollinated by high oil maize hybrids 王瑞芳; industrial crops and products 2009
monitored landscape change of lake baiyangdian wetland with dynamic reed area based on remote sensing 王珍; remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology:IV(proceedings of SPIE) 2009
nitric oxide alleviates fe deficiency-induced stress in solanum nigrum 徐进; biologia plantarum 2009
nitrogen accumulation in soybean following defoliation 李向军; journal of plant nutrition 2009
organic fertilizers for greenhous tomatoes: productivity and substrate microbiology 翟正丽; hort science 2009
physiological mechanism contributing to efficient use of water in field tomato under different irrigation 石磊; plant, soil and environment 2009
properties of different chitosan/low-density polyethylene antibacterial plastics 乔匀州; journal of applied polymer science 2009
protective effects of proline against cadmium toxicity in micropropagated hyperaccumulator, solanum nigrum L. 徐进; plant cell reports 2009