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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
a general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia 巨兆强; agricultural and forest meteorology 2009
a GIS-based model for estimating regional potential evapotranspiration in complex terrain 周心尧; proceedings of SPIE, the international society for optical engineering 2009
a powdery mildew resistant line with introgression of Agropyron elongatum chromati 纪军; cereal research communications 2009
ammonia volatilization from urea incorporation with wheat and maize straw on a loamy soil in china 赵少华; second international conference on earth observation for global changes: remote sensing of earth surface chagens. 2009
assessment of nitrate leaching on agriculture region using remote sensing and model 雷玉平; remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology XI 2009
auxin redistribution modulates plastic development of root system architecture under salt stress in arabidopsis thaliana 王幼宁; journal of plant physiology 2009
biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency of winter wheat under deficit irrigation 李全起; plant, soil and environment 2009
cDNA cloning and expression analysis of a putative decarbonylase TaCer1 from wheat( Triticum aestivum L.) 胡晓君; Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2009
chromosomal location of traits associated with wheat seeding water and phosphorus use efficiency under different water and phosphorus stresses 曹红星; international journal of molecular sciences 2009
cloning, identification, expression analysis and phylogenetic relevance of two NADP-dependent malic enzyme genes from hexaploid wheat 付振燕; comptes rendus biologies 2009
comparison of GRACE with in situ hydrological measurement data shows storage depletion in Hai Rive basin, Northern China Juana Paul Moiwo; water SA 2009
development and application of EST-STS markers specific to chromosome IRS of secale cereale 王春梅; cereal research communications 2009
effects of defoliation on grain yield and water use of winter wheat 邵立威; the journal of agricultural science 2009
effects of different cultivation practices on soil temperature and wheat spike differentation 王彦梅; cereal research communications 2009
effects of irrigation frequency under limited irrigation on root water uptake, yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat 邵立威; irrigation and drainage 2009