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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Responses of soil chemical and microbial indicators to conservational tillage versus traditional tillage in the North China Plain Shuping Qin (秦树平), Xinhua He, Chunsheng Hu (胡春胜,通讯作者), Yuming Zhang (张钰铭)and Wenxu Dong (董文旭); European Journal of Soil Biology 2010
Enhanced aquaporin activity of two different genotypes of drought-resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars facilitate their adaptation to drought stress 赵鸿彬, 张正斌,徐萍; Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2010
Soil organic carbon, nutrients and relevant enzyme activities in particle-size fractions under conservational versus traditional agricultural management 秦树平, 胡春胜(通讯作者), Xinhua He, 董文旭, 崔俊芳, 王莹; applied soil ecology 2010
Multifunctional genes: the cross-talk among the regulation networks of abiotic stress responses X.J. HU(胡晓君)*, Z.B. ZHANG(张正斌), P. XU(徐萍), Z.Y. FU(付振燕)S.B. HU and W.Y. SONG; BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2010
Change in pan evaporation over the past 50 years in the arid region of China Yanjun Shen(沈彦俊), * Changming Liu(刘昌明), Min Liu(刘敏), Yan Zeng, and Changyan Tian; 2010
Global perspective on hydrology, water balance, and water resources management in arid basins Yanjun Shen(沈彦俊)、Yaning Chen; HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2010
Tillage affecting the turnover rate of soil urease: implications for enzyme assays and ecological modeling 秦树平,董文旭,胡春胜; FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN 2010
global perspective on hydrology, water balance, and water resources management in arid basins 沈彦俊; hydrological processes 2010
effects of winter wheat row spacing on evapotranpsiration, grain yield and water use efficiency 陈素英; agricultural water management 2010
change in pan evaporation over the past 50 years in the arid region of China 沈彦俊; hydrological processes 2010
Tillage and residue management effects on soil carbon and CO2 emission in a wheat-corn double-cropping 董文旭; Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 2009
Chromosomal Location of Traits Associated with Wheat Seeding Water and Phosphorus Use Efficiency under Different Water and Phosphorus Stresses 曹红星; international journal of molecular sciences 2009
小流域径流泥沙自动采集器的试验研究 曹建生; 小流域径流泥沙自动采集器的试验研究 2009
cloning, identification, expression analysis and phylogenetic relevance of two NADP-dependent malic enzyme genes from hexaploid wheat 付振燕; molecular biology and genetics 2009
visual assessment of soil structure: evaluation of methodologies on sites in Canada, China and Germany Part1: comparing visual methods and linking them with soil physical data and grain yield of cereals 胡春胜; soil and tillage research 2009