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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Effects of agricultural activities on nitrate contamination of groundwater in a Yellow River irrigated region 沈彦俊, 雷慧敏 杨大文& Shinjiro Kanae; IAHS Publications 2011
Pecipitation-runoff processes in Shimen hillslope micro-catchment of Taihang Mountain, north China 韩淑敏,杨永辉*,樊彤,肖登攀,Juana Paul Moiwo; Hydrological Processes 2011
Establishing a biotech-agriculture for China 张正斌、段子渊、邵洪波、陈鹏、徐萍; African Journal of Biotechnology 2011
品种与密度对华北平原夏玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响 邵立威,王艳哲,苗文芳,孙宏勇,陈素英,张喜英; 华北农学报 2011
微咸水非充分灌溉对冬小麦生长发育及夏玉米产量的影响 陈素英、张喜英、邵立威、孙宏勇、刘秀位; 中国生态农业学报 2011
不同灌溉处理对夏玉米氮素吸收及转移的影响 苗文芳、陈素英、邵立威、孙宏勇、张喜英; 中国生态农业学报 2011
Comparison of Evapotranspiration estimated by ET-Watch with that derived from combined GRACE and measured precipitation data in Hai River Basin, North China Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang(杨永辉),Nana Yan, Bingfang Wu; Hydrological Sciences Journal 2011
A method for estimating soil moisture storage in regions under water stress and storage depletion—a study of Haihe River Basin, North China Juana Paul Moiwo,* Yonghui Yang(杨永辉), * Shumin Han(韩淑敏), Wenxi Lu, Nana Yan and Bingfang Wu; HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2011
Water storage change in the Himalayas from GRACE and an empirical climate model Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang(杨永辉), Fulu Tao, Wenxi Lu, and Shumin Han(韩淑敏); WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2011
Segregation ratios of colored grains in crossed wheat Zifeng Guo(郭自峰), Ping Xu(徐萍), Zhengbin Zhang(张正斌), Daowen Wang, Miao Jin, Anping Teng; Australian Journal of Crop Science 2011
Advances and prospects:Biotechnologically improving crop water use efficiency Zhang Zhengbin(张正斌),Xu Ping(徐萍),Shao Hongbo, Liu Mengjun, Fu Zhenyan(付振艳), andChu Liye; Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2011
The effects of abiotic stresses on the NADP-dependent malic enzyme in the leaves of the hexaploid wheat Z.Y. FU(付振艳), Z.B. ZHANG*(张正斌), Z.H. LIU, X.J. HU(胡晓君) and P. XU(徐萍); BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2011
Yield and water use response of winter wheat to winter irrigation in the North China Plain L.W. Shao(邵立威),X.Y. Zhang(张喜英), H.Y. Sun(孙宏勇), S.Y. Chen(陈素英) and Y.M. Wang(王彦梅); Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2011
Changes in evapotranspiration over irrigated winter wheat and maize in North China Plain over three decades Xiying Zhang(张喜英),Suying Chen(陈素英), Hongyong Sun(孙宏勇), Liwei Shao(邵立威) and Yanzhe Wang(王艳哲); Agricultural Water Management 2011
Significance of a β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase gene expression for wheat tolerance to adverse environments X.J. HU(胡晓君), Z.B. ZHANG(张正斌), Z.Y. FU(付振燕), P. XU(徐萍), S.B. HU and W.Q. LI(李伟强); BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2010