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Assessing the Impact of Air Pollution on Grain Yield of Winter Wheat - A Case Study in the North China Plain Xiuwei Liu(刘秀位), Hongyong Sun(孙宏勇), Til Feike, Xiying Zhang(张喜英), Liwei Shao(邵立威), Suying Chen(陈素英); PLOS ONE 2016
Effect of warming and nitrogen addition on evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in a wheat-soybean/fallow rotation from 2010 to 2014 Liting Liu(柳丽婷),Chunsheng Hu(胡春胜),J?rgen E. Olesen,Zhaoqiang Ju(巨兆强),Xiying Zhang(张喜英); Climatic Change 2016
FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 activates SEPALLATA2 but inhibits CLAVATA3 to regulate meristem determinacy and maintenance in Arabidopsis Dongming Li(李东明), Xing Fu, Lin Guo(郭琳), Zhigang Huang, Yongpeng Li(李永鹏), Yang Liu, Zishan He(贺子珊), Xiuwei Cao(曹秀卫), Xiaohan Ma, Meicheng Zhao(赵美丞), Guohui Zhu, Langtao Xiao, Haiyang Wang, Xuemei Chen, Renyi Liu, and Xigang Liu(刘西岗); PNAS 2016
Characterization of a New Pm2 Allele Conferring Powdery Mildew Resistance in the Wheat Germplasm Line FG-1 Pengtao Ma (马朋涛) , Hongxng Xu(许红星) , Lihui Li , Hongxia Zhang (张红霞) , Guohao Han (韩帼豪 ) , Yunfeng Xu (许云峰),Xiaoyi Fu , Xiaotian Zhang(张晓天)and Diaoguo An (安调过)*; Frontiers in Plant Science 2016
Characterization of a Segregation Distortion Locus with Powdery Mildew Resistance in a Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Introgression Line WE99 Pengtao Ma(马朋涛), Hongxing Xu(许红星), Guohao Han(韩帼豪), Qiaoling Luo(罗巧玲 ), Yunfeng Xu(许云峰), Xiaotian Zhang(张晓天), and Diaoguo An(安调过); Plant Disease 2016
Agricultural water supply/demand changes under projected future climate change in the arid region of northwestern China Ying Guo(郭英), YanjunShen(沈彦俊); Journal of Hydrology 2016
Reassessing carbon sequestration in the North China Plain via addition of nitrogen Wenxu Dong(董文旭), Yongmei Duan, YuyingWang(王玉英), Chunsheng Hu(胡春胜); Science of the Total Environment 2016
Responses of yield and WUE of winter wheat to water stress duringthe past three decades—A case study in the North China Plain Xiying Zhang(张喜英), Wenli Qin(秦文丽), Suying Chen(陈素英), Liwei Shao(邵立威), Hongyong Sun(孙宏勇); Agricultural Water Management 2016
Assessing the contribution of weather and management to the annual yield variation of summer maize using APSIM in the North China Plain Hongyong Sun(孙宏勇), Xiying Zhang(张喜英), Enli Wang, Suying Chen(陈素英), Liwei Shao(邵立威), Wenli Qin(秦文丽); Field Crops Research 2016
Optimized timing of using canopy temperature to select high-yielding cultivars of winter wheat under different water regimes XIAOYU ZHANG(张小雨), XIYING ZHANG(张喜英), SUYING CHEN(陈素英), HONGYONG SUN(孙宏勇), LIWEI SHAO(邵立威) and XIUWEI LIU(刘秀位; Expl Agric. 2016
Genome-Wide Small RNA Analysis of Soybean Reveals Auxin-Responsive microRNAs that are Differentially Expressed in Response to Salt Stress in Root Apex Sun, ZX (孙政玺); Wang, YN (Wang, Youning); Mou, FP (牟福鹏); Tian, YP (田银萍); Chen, L (陈亮); Zhang, SL (张森磊); Jiang, Q (姜琼); Li, X(Li, Xia); FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
Effects of different irrigation regimes on soil compaction in a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain Liu, XW (刘秀位); Feike, T (Feike, Til); Shao, LW (邵立威); Sun, HY (孙宏勇); Chen, SY (陈素英); Zhang, XY (张喜英); CATENA 2016
Water use efficiency and crop water balance of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment: sensitivity of future changes to projected climate changes and soil type Yang, YM (杨艳敏); Liu, DL (Liu, De Li); Anwar, MR (Anwar, Muhuddin Rajin); O'Leary, G (O'Leary, Garry); Macadam, I (Macadam, Ian); Yang, YH (杨永辉); THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY 2016
Experimental warming-driven soil drying reduced N2O emissions from fertilized crop rotations of winter wheat-soybean/fallow, 2009-2014 Liu, LT (柳丽婷); Hu, CS 胡春胜); Yang, PP (杨培培); Ju, ZQ (巨兆强); Olesen, JE (Olesen, Jorgen E.); Tang, JW (Tang, Jianwu); AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2016
Soil Water Regime Affecting Correlation of Carbon Isotope Discrimination with Yield and Water-Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat Yanzhe Wang(王艳哲), Xiying Zhang(张喜英),* Xiaoyu Zhang(张小雨), Liwei Shao(邵立威), Suying Chen(陈素英), and Xiuwei Liu(刘秀位); crop science 2016