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Identifying changes in irrigation return flow with gradually Qiuli Hu (胡秋丽), Yonghui Yang (杨永辉), Shumin Han (韩淑敏), Yanmin Yang (杨艳敏), Zhipin Ai (艾治频), Jiusheng Wang , Fengyun Ma; Agricultural Water Management 2017
Characteristics and influencing factors of crop coefficient for drip-irrigated cotton under plastic mulch conditions in arid environment Zhipin Ai (艾治频), Yonghui Yang (杨永辉), Qinxue Wang , Kiril Manevski, Quan Wang , Qiuli Hu (胡秋丽), Deni Eer, Jiusheng Wang .; Journal of Agricultural Meterology 2017
Relationship between land-use and sources and fate of nitrate in groundwater in a typical recharge area of the North China Plain Shiqin Wang(王仕琴), Wenbo Zheng(郑文波), Matthew Currell, Yonghui Yang(杨永辉), Huan Zhao, Mengyu Lv(吕梦宇); Science of The Total Environment 2017
Growth, root compensation and ion distribution in Lyciumchinense under heterogeneous salinity stress Xiaohui Feng(封晓辉), Ping An, Kai Guo(郭凯), Xiaoguang Li(李晓光), Xiaojing Liu(刘小京),Xiumei Zhang(张秀梅); Scientia Horticulturae 2017
How China's nitrogen footprint of food has changed from 1961 to 2010 Mengchu Guo, Xiaohui Chen, Zhaohai Bai(柏兆海), Rongfeng Jiang, James Galloway, Allison Leach, Lia Cattaneo, Oene Oenema, Lin Ma(马林) and Fusuo Zhang; Soil Research 2017
Modelling reduced coastal eutrophication with increased crop yields in Chinese agriculture Ang A. Li(李昂) , Maryna M. Strokal , Zhaohai Z. H. Bai(柏兆海) , Carolien C. Kroeze , Lin L. Ma (马林) and Fusuo F. S. Zhang; Soil, land care and environmental research 2017
Mitigating ammonia emission from agriculture reduces PM2.5 pollution in the Hai River Basin in China Z.Q. Zhao(赵占轻),Z.H. Bai(柏兆海),W. Winiwarter, G.. Kiesewetter, C. Heyes, L. Ma(马林); Science of The Total Environment 2017
Reactive nitrogen losses from China's food system for the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) Mengru Wang(王梦茹),Carolien Kroeze, Maryna Strokal, Lin Ma(马林); Science of The Total Environment 2017
Livestock Housing and Manure Storage Need to Be Improved in China Zhaohai Bai(柏兆海), Xiaoxin Li(李晓欣), Jie Lu(卢洁), Xuan Wang(王选), Gerard L. Velthof, , Jiafa Luo, Stewart Ledgard, Zhiguo Wu, Shuqin Jin, Oene Oenema, Lin Ma(马林) and Chunsheng Hu(胡春胜); Environ. Sci. Technol 2017
Soil Respiration Response to Long-Term Freezing Saline Water Irrigation with Plastic Mulching in Coastal Saline Plain Xiaoguang Li (李晓光), Kai Guo(郭凯), Xiaohui Feng(封晓辉), Haiman Liu(刘海曼), Xiaojing Liu(刘小京); Sustainability 2017
Comparative study of Arabidopsis PBS1 and a wheat PBS1 homolog helps understand the mechanism of PBS1 functioning in innate immunity Jianhang Sun(孙建杭), Guozhong Huang(黄国中), Fenggui Fan(范锋贵), Shuangfeng Wang(王双凤), Yingying Zhang(张莹莹),Yufang Han(韩玉芳), Yanmin Zou(邹艳敏), Dongping Lu(吕东平); Scientific Reports 2017
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil water and salinity after establishment of dense-foliage Tamarix chinensis on coastal saline land Xiaohui Feng(封晓辉). Ping An,Xiaoguang Li(李晓光). Kai Guo(郭凯) Ce Yang(杨策)Xiaojing Liu(刘小京); Ecological Engineering 2017
Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage on dry matter accumulation and grain yield of summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China Lichao Zhai(翟立超), Ping Xu(徐萍), Zhengbin Zhang(张正斌), Shaokun Li, Ruizhi Xie, Lifang Zhai, Benhui Wei; Soil & Tillage Research 2017
Modeling farm nutrient flows in the North China Plain to reduce nutrient losses Zhanqing Zhao(赵占轻) . Zhaohai Bai(柏兆海) . Sha Wei . Wenqi Ma . Mengru Wang .Carolien Kroeze . Lin Ma(马林); Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 2017
Nutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy production in China: Lessons learned from historical changes and regional differences Nannan Zhang(张楠楠)1, Zhaohai Bai(柏兆海)1, Jiafa Luo , Stewart Ledgard, Zhiguo Wu, Lin Ma (马林); Science of the Total Environment 2017