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  • 姓名: 秦树平
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 无
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: +8613143481690
  • 传真: 0311-85815093
  • 电子邮件: qinshuping@sjziam.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 河北省石家庄市槐中路286号
    简  历:
  • 教育背景:

    2006. 9–2011. 6,365英国上市官网大学,生态学博士学位

    2002. 9–2006. 6,吉首大学,环境科学学士学位.





  • 本课题组研究方向为土壤-植物系统活性氮迁移转化规律与新型智能靶向肥料研制,为提高氮素利用效率与降低农业面源污染提供理论依据与技术支持。研究组长秦树平研究员多年来坚持兴趣驱动、快乐科研的理念,创建了国际领先的土壤反硝化研究平台;率先发现了人类氮输入对关键带深层古碳矿化的激发效应;发现了土壤好氧产氮气机制;研发了包气带硝酸盐污染靶向修复技术。在Science Advances、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等期刊发表论文30余篇。先后获得河北省与福建省杰青资助,获中科院院长奖、中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖与河北省科技进步一等奖。热烈欢迎具有土壤学、环境科学或生态学研究背景、对科研事业具有浓厚兴趣的青年才俊加入本研究组。

  • 主持或参加科研项目及人才计划项目情况



    2) 河北省自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目,农业面源与重金属污染阻控,600万,在研、主持。










    1)        Qin, S., Yuan, H., Hu, C*., Li, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Dong W., Clough T., Luo, J., Zhou, S., Wrage-Monnig, N., L, Ma., Oenema, O. 2023. Anthropogenic N input increases global warming potential by awakening the “sleeping” ancient C in deep critical zones. Science Advances, 9(6), eadd0041.

    2)        Qin, S., Hu, C., Clough, T.J., Luo, J., Oenema, O., Zhou, S., 2019. Electrodes donate electrons for nitrate reduction in a soil matrix via DNRA and denitrification. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 2002-2012.

    3)        Wu, P., Xie, M., Clough, T. J., Yuan, D., Wu, S., He, X., Hu, C., Zhou, S., Qin, S*. 2023. Biochar-derived persistent free radicals and reactive oxygen species reduce the potential of biochar to mitigate soil N2O emissions by inhibiting nosZ. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108970.

    4)        Yuan, D., Wang, G., Hu, C*., Zhou, S., Clough, T. J., Wrage-Monnig, N., Luo, J., Qin, S*., 2022. Electron shuttle potential of biochar promotes dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in paddy soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108760.

    5)        Yao, J., Qin, S*., Liu, T., Clough, T. J., Wrage-Monnig, N., Luo, J., Hu, C., Ge, T., Zhou, S., 2022. Rice root Fe plaque enhances oxidation of microbially available organic carbon via Fe (III) reduction-coupled microbial respiration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 167, 108568.

    6)        Qin, S., Clough, T., Luo, J., Wrage-M?nnig, N., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., Hu, C., 2017. Perturbation-free measurement of in situ di-nitrogen emissions from denitrification in nitrate-rich aquatic ecosystems. Water Research 109, 94-101.

    7)        Yuan, H., Zeng, J., Yuan, D., Zhang, L., Qin, S*., Wrage-M?nnig, N., Clough, T., Zhou, S., 2020. Co-application of a biochar and an electric potential accelerates soil nitrate removal while decreasing N2O emission. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 149, 107946.

    8)        Yuan, H, Zhang, Z., Qin, S.,* Zhou, S., Hu, C., Clough, T., Nicole Wrage-M?nnig, Shungui Zhou, 2019. Biochar’ s role as an electron shuttle for mediating soil N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 133, 94-96.

    9)        Qin, S., Hu, C., Clough, T.J., Luo, J., Oenema, O., Zhou, S., 2017. Irrigation of DOC-rich liquid promotes potential denitrification rate and decreases N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio in a 0–2 m soil profile. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 106, 1-8.

    10)     Qin, S., Pang, Y., Clough, T., Wrage-M?nnig, N., Hu, C., Zhang, Y., Zhou, S., Fang, Y., 2017. N2 production via aerobic pathways may play a significant role in nitrogen cycling in upland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 108, 36-40.

    11)     Qin, S., Zhang, Z., Yu, L., Yuan, H., Clough, T., Wrage-M?nnig, N., Luo, J., Zhou, S., 2017. Enhancement of subsoil. Enhancement of subsoil denitrification using an electrode as an electron donor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 511-515

    12)     Qin, S., Yuan, H., Dong, W., Hu, C., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., 2013. Relationship between soil properties and the bias of N2O reduction by acetylene inhibition technique for analyzing soil denitrification potential. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 66, 182-187.

    13)     Qin, S., Yuan, H., Hu, C., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y., Li, X., 2014. Determination of potential N2O-reductase activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 205-210.

    14)     Qin, S., Hu, C., Oenema, O., 2012. Quantifying the underestimation of soil denitrification potential as determined by the acetylene inhibition method. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 47, 14-17.

    15)     Ting Liu, Shuping Qin*, Yaxing Pang, Jinzhi Yao, Xueqing Zhao, Tim Clough, Nicole Wrage-M?nnig, Shungui Zhou., Rice root Fe plaque enhances paddy soil N2O emissions via Fe(II) oxidation-coupled denitrification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107610.



    1)        Qin, S., Hu, C., Ahuja, L.R., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., 2016. Nitrous Oxide Emission from Uplands in Northern China, In: Del Grosso, S., Ahuja, L., Parton, W. (Eds.), Synthesis and Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Storage in Agricultural and Forest Systems to Guide Mitigation and Adaptation. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, WI.


    1)        秦树平,胡春胜,张玉铭,董文旭, 2014.气体排放测定装置及使用其测定微量氮气排放通量的方法,中国发明专利ZL201410750734.1

    2)        张玉铭,胡春胜,秦树平,董文旭,2014. 测定氧化亚氮在土壤中扩散与还原过程的装置,中国专利ZL 201420024589.4



    1)        河北省基金委创新研究群体学术带头人(2022

    2)        国家重点研发计划首席青年科学家(2021

    3)        中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖(2018

    4)        福建省杰出青年科学基金获得者(2018

    5)        福建省引进高层次人才入选者(2018

    6)        福建农林大学金山学者特聘教授(2016

    7)        河北省杰出青年科学基金获得者(2015

    8)        河北省科技进步一等奖(7/11)(2014

    9)        中科院青年创新促进会会员(2013