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  • 姓名: 沈彦俊
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 365英国上市官网副主任、栾城站站长、365英国上市官网农业水资源重点实验室主任
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 86-311-85825464
  • 传真: 86-311-85815093
  • 电子邮件: yjshen@sjziam.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 河北省石家庄市槐中路286号
    简  历:
  • 沈彦俊,博士、研究员、博士生导师,栾城站站长,365英国上市官网农业水资源重点实验室主任。




  • 农业水文与水资源、节水农业

  • 2015.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,华北平原农业土地利用变化对蒸散和地下水消耗的影响机理(41471027),90万元

    2013.10-2016.12 365英国上市官网重点部署项目课题,新疆山区蒸散量遥感反演与径流形成影响研究(KZZD-EW-12-1),80万元

    2011.01-2013.12 365英国上市官网创新领域重点项目课题,我国北方地区农田耗水多尺度观测与模拟研究(KSCX2-EW-J5),200万元

    2010.06-2014.12 国家973计划项目课题,气候变化对西北干旱区水循环影响机理及水资源安全(2010CB951003),241万元

    2009.01-2011.12 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,地表水与地下水灌区农田水热通量及尺度扩展研究(40871021),45万元

    2009.01-2011.12 365英国上市官网重要方向项目,华北地区农业水循环过程及其气候变化影响研究(KZCX2-YW-448),115万元

    2008.11-2011.12 国家科技支撑计划项目课题,生物固碳潜力与挖掘技术研究(2008BAD9512B),282万元

    2007.12-2010.12 365英国上市官网知识创新工程重大项目专题,海河流域生态环境综合模拟模型研究(KZCX1-ZD-W5-3),60万元







    《Geoenvironmental Disasters》编委,2014~




    1.       Zhang Y , Shen Y*. 2019. Wastewater irrigation: past, present, and future: Wastewater irrigation[J]. WIREs Water, 6(3), e1234.

    2.       L Min, Y Qi, Y Shen, P Wang, S Wang, M Liu, 2019. Groundwater recharge under irrigated agro-ecosystems in the North China Plain: From a critical zone perspective, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29 (6), 877-890.

    3.       YJ Shen, Y Shen, Y Guo, Y Zhang, H Pei, A Brenning, 2019. Review of historical and projected future climatic and hydrological changes in mountainous semiarid Xinjiang (northwestern China), central Asia, CATENA, 104343

    4.       Y Zhang, Y Qi, Y Shen, H Wang, X Pan, 2019. Mapping the agricultural land use of the North China Plain in 2002 and 2012, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29 (6), 909-921

    5.       X Wu, Y Qi, Y Shen, W Yang, Y Zhang, A Kondoh, 2019. Change of winter wheat planting area and its impacts on groundwater depletion in the North China Plain, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29 (6), 891-908.

    6.       M Umair, T Hussain, H Jiang, A Ahmad, J Yao, Y Qi, Y Zhang, L Min, Y Shen*, 2019. Water-Saving Potential of Subsurface Drip Irrigation For Winter Wheat, Sustainability, 11 (10), 2978.

    7.       J Zhang, Y Shen*, 2019. Spatio-temporal variations in extreme drought in China during 1961–2015, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29 (1), 67-83.

    8.       Zhang C , Liu F , Shen Y* . Attribution analysis of changing pan evaporation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 38, e1032-e1043.

    9.       Min L, Shen Y*, Pei H, et al. Water movement and solute transport in deep vadose zone under four irrigated agricultural land-use types in the North China Plain, Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 559, 510-522.

    10.   Zhang Y, Lei H, Zhao H, Shen Y*, Xiao D, Comparison of the water budget for the typical cropland and pear orchard ecosystems in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 198, 53-64.

    11.   Shen Y J , Shen Y, Fink, Manfred, et al. Unraveling the Hydrology of the Glacierized Kaidu Basin by Integrating Multisource Data in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China, Water Resources Research, 2018, 54 (1), 557-580.

    12.   Luo J, Shen Y*, Qi Y, Zhang Y, Xiao D. Evaluating water conservation effects due to cropping system optimization on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei plain, China, Agricultural Systems, 2018, 159, 32-41.

    13.   Sun C , Shen Y , Chen Y , et al. Quantitative evaluation of the rainfall influence on streamflow in an inland mountainous river basin within Central Asia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2018, 63, 17-30.

    14.   Shen Y J , Shen Y , Fink M , et al. Trends and variability in streamflow and snowmelt runoff timing in the southern Tianshan Mountains, Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 557:173-181.

    15.   Liu X, Shen Y*, Quantification of the impacts of climate change and human agricultural activities on oasis water requirements in an arid region: a case study of the Heihe River basin, China, Earth System Dynamics, 2018, 9 (1), 211

    16.   Li X, Zhao Y, Xiao W, Yang M, Shen Y, Min L, Soil moisture dynamics and implications for irrigation of farmland with a deep groundwater table, Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 192, 138-148

    17.   Umair M , Shen Y*, Qi Y , et al. Evaluation of the CropSyst Model during Wheat-Maize Rotations on the North China Plain for Identifying Soil Evaporation Losses, Front Plant Sci, 2017, 8:1667.

    18.   Pei H, Min L, Qi Y, Liu X, Jia Y, Shen Y*, Liu C, Impacts of varied irrigation on field water budegts and crop yields in the North China Plain: Rainfed vs. irrigated double cropping system, Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 190, 42-54

    19.   Chu Y, Chu Y, Shen Y, Water footprint of crop production for different crop structures in the Hebei southern plain, North China, Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, 2017, 21(6):1-16.

    20.   Mo X, Liu S, Hu S, Xia J, Shen Y, Sensitivity of terrestrial water and carbon fluxes to climate variability in semi-humid basins of Haihe River, China, Ecological Modelling, 2017, 353, 117-128

    21.   Xiao D, Shen Y*, Qi Y, Moiwo JP, Min L, Zhang Y, Guo Y, Pei H, Impact of alternative cropping systems on groundwater use and grain yields in the North China Plain Region, Agricultural Systems, 2017, 153:109-117.

    22.   Zhang M , Chen Y , Shen Y , Li Y, Changes of precipitation extremes in arid Central Asia, Quaternary International, 2017, 436:16-27.

    23.   Min L , Shen Y* , Pei H , Jing B, Characterising deep vadose zone water movement and solute transport under typical irrigated cropland in the North China Plain, Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31, 1498-1509.

    24.   Pan Y, Zhang C, Gong H, Yeh PJF, Shen Y, Guo Y, Huang Z, Li X, Detection of humaninduced evapotranspiration using GRACE satellite observations in the Haihe River basin of China, Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 44 (1), 190-199

    25.   Liu X , Shen Y* , Li H , Guo Y, Pei H, Dong W, Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration over complex terrain based on multi-spectral remote sensing data, Hydrological Processes, 2016, 31, 446-461.

    26.   Xiao D, Cao J, Bai H, Qi Y, Shen Y, Assessing the Impacts of Climate Variables and Sowing Date on Spring Wheat Yield in the Northern China, International J of Agricultural and Biology, 2017, 19 (6), 1551-1558

    27.   Shen YJ, Shen Y, Geotz J., Brenning A., 2016. Spatial-temporal variation of near surface temperature lapse rates over the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Journal of Geophysics-Atmosphere, 2016, 121, 14006-14017.

    28.   GuoY. & Shen Y.*, Agricultural water supply/demand changes under projected future climate change in the arid region of northwestern China, Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540, 257-273.

    29.   Xiao D, Shen Y, Zhang H, Moiwo JP, Qi Y, Wang R, Pei H, Zhang Y, Comparison of winter wheat yield sensitivity to climate variables under irrigated and rain-fed conditions, Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10 (3), 444-454

    30.   Xiao D., Tao F., Shen Y., Qi Y., 2016. Combined impact of climate change, cultivar shift, and sowing date on spring wheat phenology in Northern China, Journal of Meteorological Research, 30 (5), 820-831.

    31.   Chen Y., Li Z., Li W., Deng H., Shen Y., 2016. Water and ecological security: dealing with hydroclimatic challenges at the heart of China’s Silk Road, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (10), 1-10.

    32.   Xiao D., Qi Y., Shen Y., Tao F, Moiwo J.P., Liu J., Wang R., Zhang H., Liu F., 2016. Impact of warming climate and cultivar change on maize phenology in the last three decades in North China Plain, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124 (3-4), 653-661

    33.   Zhang C., Shen Y.*, Liu F., Meng L., 2016. Changes in reference evapotranspiration over an agricultural region in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 123 (1-2), 107-115.

    34.   Yuan Z, Chu Y, Shen Y, Simulation of surface runoff and sediment yield under different land-use in a Taihang Mountains watershed, North China, Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 153, 7-19

    35.   Li H, Shen Y, Yang P, Zhao W, Allen RG, Shao H, Lei Y, 2015. Calculation of albedo on complex terrain using MODIS data: a case study in Taihang Mountain of China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(7): 6315-6324.

    36.   Xiao D, Moiwo JP, Tao F, Yang Y, Shen Y, Xu Q, Liu J, Zhang H, Liu F, Spatiotemporal variability of winter wheat phenology in response to weather and climate variability in China, Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 2015, 20 (7), 1191-1202.

    37.   Guo Y & Shen Y.*, 2015. Quantifying water and energy budgets and the impacts of climatic and human factors in the Haihe River Basin, China: 1. Model and validation . Journal of Hydrology, 528: 206-216.

    38.   Guo Y & Shen Y.*, 2015. Quantifying water and energy budgets and the impacts of climatic and human factors in the Haihe River Basin, China: 2. Trends and implications to water resources. Journal of Hydrology, 527: 251-261.

    39.   Min L, Shen Y.*, Pei H., 2015. Estimating groundwater recharge using deep vadose zone data under typical irrigated cropland in the piedmont region of the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology, 527: 305-315.

    40.   Liu X, Shen Y.*, Guo Y, et al., 2015. Modeling demand/supply of water resources in the arid region of northwestern China during the late 1980s to 2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(5): 573-591.

    41.   Pei H, Scanlon B R, Shen Y, Reedy, R., Long, D., Liu, C., 2015. Impacts of varying agricultural intensification on crop yield and groundwater resources: comparison of the North China Plain and US High Plains. Environmental Research Letters, 10(4): 044013.

    42.   Kiguchi M., Shen Y., Kanae S., Oki T., 2015. Re-evaluation of future water stress due to socio-economic and climate factors under a warming climate, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60(1): 14-29.

    43.   Long D, Shen Y.*, Sun A, et al., 2014. Drought and flood monitoring for a large karst plateau in Southwest China using extended GRACE data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 155: 145-160.

    44.   Shen Y.*, Oki T, Kanae S, et al., 2014. Projection of future world water resources under SRES scenarios: an integrated assessment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(10): 1775-1793.

    45.   Wang Y, Shen Y.*, Sun F, Chen Y, 2014. Evaluating the vegetation growing season changes in the arid region of northwestern China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118(3): 569-579.

    46.   Wang Y, Roderick M, Shen Y.*, Sun F, 2014. Attribution of satellite-observed vegetation trends in a hyper-arid region of the Heihe River basin, Western China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(9): 3499-3509.

    47.   Dun Y., Tang C., Shen Y., 2014. Identifying interactions between river water and groundwater in the North China Plain using multiple tracers, Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(1): 99-110.

    48.   Meng L., Long D., Quiring S. M., Shen Y.*, 2014. Statistical analysis of the relationship between spring soil moisture and summer precipitation in East China, International Journal of Climatology, 34(5): 1511-1523.

    49.   Meng L. & Shen Y., 2014. On the Relationship of Soil Moisture and Extreme Temperatures in East China, Earth Interactions, 18.

    50.   Iqbal M.A., Shen Y., Stricevic R., Pei H., Sun H., Amiri E., Penas A., del Rio S., 2014. Evaluation of the FAO Aqua Crop model for winter wheat on the North China Plain under deficit irrigation from field experiment to regional yield simulation, Agricultural Water Management, 135: 61-72.

    51.   Shen Y.*, Zhang, Y, Scanlon, B.R., Lei, H., Yang, D., Yang, F., 2013. Energy/water budgets and productivity of the typical croplands irrigated with groundwater and surface water in the North China Plain, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 181: 133-142.

    52.   Yuan, Z. & Shen Y.*, 2013. Estimation of Agricultural Water Consumption from Meteorological and Yield Data: A Case Study of Hebei, North China, PLoS ONE, 8(3), e18485.

    53.   Shen Y.*, Chen, Y., Liu, C., Smettem, K., 2013. Ecohydrology of the inland river basins in the Northwestern Arid Region of China Preface, Ecohydrology, 6(6): 905-908.

    54.   Hu, S., Shen Y.*, Chen, X., Gan, Y., Wang, X., 2013. Effects of saline water drip irrigation on soil salinity and cotton growth in an Oasis Field, Ecohydrology, 6(6): 1021-1030.

    55.   Zhang, Y., Shen Y.*, Chen, Y., Wang, Y., 2013. Spatial characteristics of surface water and groundwater using water stable isotope in the Tarim River Basin, northwestern China, Ecohydrology, 6(6): 1031-1039.

    56.   Ye, Z., Shen, Y., Chen, Y., 2013. Multiple methods for calculating minimum ecological flux of the desiccated Lower Tarim River, Western China, Ecohydrology, 6(6): 1040-1047.

    57.   Wang, Y., Shen Y.*, Chen, Y., Guo, Y., 2013. Vegetation dynamics and their response to hydroclimatic factors in the Tarim River Basin, China, Ecohydrology, 6(6): 927-936

    58.   Zhang, Y., Shen Y.*, Xu, X., Sun, H., Li, F., Wang, Q., 2013. Characteristics of the water-energy-carbon fluxes of irrigated pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) orchards in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 128: 140-148.

    59.   Shen Y.*, Li, S., Chen, Y., Qi, Y., Zhang, S., 2013. Estimation of regional irrigation water requirement and water supply risk in the arid region of Northwestern China 1989-2010, Agricultural Water Management, 128: 55-64.

    60.   Li, Z., Chen, Y., Shen, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, S., 2013. Analysis of changing pan evaporation in the arid region of Northwest China, Water Resources Research, 2013, 49(4): 2205-2212.

    61.   Guo, B., Chen, Y., Shen, Y., Li, W., Wu, C., 2013. Spatially explicit estimation of domestic water use in the arid region of northwestern China: 1985-2009, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(1): 162-176.

    62.   Zhang, Y., Leuning, R., Chiew, F.H.S., Wang, E., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Sun, F., Peel, M.C., Shen, Y., Jung, M., 2012. Decadal Trends in Evaporation from Global Energy and Water Balances, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(1): 379-391.

    63.   Zhang Y, Shen Y.*, Sun H, Gates JB, 2011. Evapotranspiration and its partitioning in an irrigated winter wheat field: A combined isotopic and micrometeorologic approach, Journal of Hydrology, 408(3-4): 203-211.

    64.   Chen, Y., Ye, Z., Shen, Y., Desiccation of the Tarim River, Xinjiang, China, and mitigation strategy, Quaternary International, 2011, 244(2): 264-271.

    65.   Lei H, Yang D, Shen Y, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Simulation of evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide flux in the wheat-maize rotation croplands of the North China Plain using the Simple Biosphere Model, Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(20): 3107-3120.

    66.   Shen Y.*, Liu, C., Liu, M., Zeng, Y., Tian, C., 2010. Change in pan evaporation over the past 50 years in the arid region of China, Hydrological Processes, 24(2): 225-231.

    67.   Liu M, Shen Y.*, Zeng Y, Liu C, Trend in pan evaporation and its attribution over the past 50 years in China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(4): 557-568.

    68.   Sun, H., Shen Y.*, Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G. N., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, X., Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat-summer maize rotation in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97(8): 1139-1145.

    69.   Shen, Y., Chen, Y., 2010. Global perspective on hydrology, water balance, and water resources management in arid basins, Hydrological Processes, 24(2), 129-135.

  • 1. 365英国上市官网杰出科技成就奖(2/20),西北干旱区水循环与生态水文研究集体,2019

    2. 河北省自然科学一等奖(1/5),变化环境下干旱区水循环演变机理及植被响应机制研究,2018

    3. 新疆自治区科技进步一等奖(2/12),西北干旱区水资源形成、转化及未来趋势研究,2015

    4. 河北省自然科学二等奖(1/5),农田耗水过程及水分利用效率调控机制研究,2016

    5. 全国优秀科技工作者,中国科协,2016

    6. 河北省优秀科技工作者,河北省科协等四部门,2014

    7. 365英国上市官网大学“朱李月华优秀导师奖”,2017