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  • 姓名: 雷玉平
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 0311-85871620
  • 传真: 0311-85815093
  • 电子邮件: leiyp@sjziam.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 河北省石家庄市槐中路286号
    简  历:
  • 教育经历



    1980-1986年, 江西农大学士农学系,学士


    1998年- 至今, 中科院遗传与发育生物学所365英国上市官网 副研究员

    1992年-1998年, 中科院遗传与发育生物学所365英国上市官网 助理研究员


    2004.8-2004.10, 芬兰芬兰农业食品研究所(MTT Agrifood Research Finland ),访问研究

    1997.9-1998.3, 日本北海道大学大学院地球环境科学科,访问研究

    1996.9–1997.7, 美国USDA-ARS, Crop Simulation Research Unit (MS) 和National Soil Tilth Lab (IA),访问研究

  • 参加与主持项目

    1990-2001年在南皮试验站参加国家农业攻关项目,盐碱地演变国际合作项目,任南皮试区共同主持人,负责水盐运动监测和水土资源数据库建设等研究工作。2002-2006年参加中科院知识创新工程方向性项目和欧盟合作项目,负责水文过程模拟、空间数据库建设和区域遥感模型开发与应用工作。2006-2009年参加欧盟FP6-STREP 项目“欧洲与南亚流域水资源综合管理能力提高比较研究”。2007-2009年 主持365英国上市官网知识创新工程重要方向项目,中国东部集约农田安全高效生产的机理与关键技术研究,第四课题“区域农田生态系统安全预警与典型农田高效安全生产模式研究”,负责系统设计。2009-2011年主持365英国上市官网知识创新工程重要方向项目“白洋淀外源性面源污染物通量及减排技术研究”。2016年主持2016年河北省渤海粮仓科技示范工程课题“云模式下农户尺度作物精准种植技术服务系统”。




    一种碱性土壤改良剂 ZL200510012366.1

    一种农田土样采取器 ZL200620023537.0


    软件名称:农田生态环境安全预警系统 V 1.0

    软件名称:北方小麦玉米生长模型 V 1.0

    软件名称:河北省农田旱情监测系统 V 1.0



    2009年 河北省科学技术二等奖(第7完成人): 河北省主要农作物精准农业关键技术研究和集成示范



      1Li, Hongjun; Shen, Yanjun; Yang, Pingguo; Zhao, Wenguang; Allen, Richard G.; Shao, Hongbo; Lei, Yuping (2015). Calculation of albedo on complex terrain using MODIS data: a case study in Taihang Mountain of China. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 74(7), 6315-6324 

      2Rui Wang, Zhaofei Liu, Zhijun Yao, Yuping Lei,  Modeling the Risk of Nitrate Leaching and Nitrate Runoff Loss from Intensive Farmland in the Baiyangdian Basin of the North China Plain, Environmental Earth Sciences, Environmental Earth Sciences October 2014, Volume 72, Issue 8, pp 3143-3157 

      3Yunqiao Shu, Karen G. Villholth, Karsten H. Jensen, Simon Stisen, Yuping Lei. Integrated hydrological modeling of the North China Plain: Options for sustainable groundwater use in the alluvial plain of Mt. Taihang, Journal of Hydrology, 464–465(2): 79–93, 2012 

      4ZHANG Shengwei, LEI Yuping, WANG Liping, LI Hongjun, ZHAO HongbinCrop Classification Using MODIS NDVI Data Denoised by Wavelet: A Case Study in Hebei Plain, China Chin. Geogra. Sci., 21(3) 322–333, 2011 

      5Hongjun Li,  Zhijun Liu,  Li Zheng,  Yuping Lei.  Resilience analysis for agricultural systems of North China Plain based on a dynamic system model   Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 2011, 68(1): 8-17 

      6ZHANG Shengwe, LEI Yuping, WANG Liping, LI Hongjun, ZHAO Hongbin, Crop Classification Using MODIS NDVI Data Denoised by Wavelet: A Case Study in Hebei Plain, China. Chin. Geogra. Sci. 2011 21(3) 322–333   

      7Hongjun Li,  Zhijun Liu,  Li Zheng,  Yuping Lei. Resilience analysis for agricultural systems of North China Plain based on a dynamic system model. Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 2011, 68(1): 8-17 

      (8)  Zhang, SW; Lei, YP; Li, HJ, et al.Temporal-spatial variation in crop evapotranspiration in Hebei Plain, China. JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT 201082  

      (9)  Li, HJ; Zheng, L; Lei, YP, et al.  Estimation of water consumption and crop water productivity of winter wheat in North China Plain using remote sensing technology.  AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2008 9511: 1271-1278    

      (10) Han,S.M.,  Yang, Y.H., Lei, Y.P., Tang, C.Y. and & Moiwo, J.P. ,Seasonal groundwater storage anomaly and vadose zone soil moisture as indicators of precipitation recharge in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain. Hydro. Research., 2008,  39( 5–6): 479–495 

      (11) Jie Liu, Chunmiao Zheng, Li Zheng, and Yuping Lei , Sustainability Analysis of Ground Water Resources: Methodology and Application to the North China Plain.  Ground Water 2008 466, 43-52 

      (12) Y. Zhang, C. Liu, Y. Lei, Y. Tang, Q. Yu, Y. Shen and H. SunAn integrated algorithm for estimating regional latent heat flux and daily evapotranspirationInternational Journal of Remote SensingVolume 27, Issue 1, 2006, 1–24 

      (13) Zheng, L., J. Q. Guo, and Y. Lei, A simple straight line method for analyzing pumping test recovery data, Ground Water, 2005, vol. 43, no. 6, p 939-942, 

      (14) Y. Lei, H. Takahashi and W. Li, Effects of concrete mulch on soil thermal and moisture regime, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, Japan2004Vol. 60, No.1  


      (1) 唐天均,雷玉平,基于GIS的区域作物生长模拟模型,农业工程学报 , 201228(2)180-185 

      (2) Lei, Yuping ; Tang, Tianjun; Zheng, Li; Zhang, Shengwei; Wang, ZhenRS-CGM: A spatial crop growth model based on GIS and RS Proceedings of SPIE  v 7104, 2008,  Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology X              

      (3) 张圣微, 雷玉平, 李红军 基于空间数据库和GISSPAC系统水分运动模型,农业工程学报, v 24, n 4, p 1-8, April 2008       

      (4) Wang, Zhen ; He, Lei; Zhang, Shengwei; Lei, YupingMonitored landscape change of Lake Baiyangdian wetland with dynamic reed area based on remote sensing Proceedings of SPIE  v 7478, 2009, Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IX  

      (5) Zhang, Shengwei ; Lei, Yuping; Zheng, Li; Li, Hongjun; Tang, Tianjun; Wang, Zhen  Knowledge-based land use mapping integrated GIS and time-series MODIS NDVI data in Lhasa river basin, TibetProceedings of SPIE  v 7110, 2008, Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VIII 

      (6) Lei, Yuping ; Wang, Zhen; Li, Hongjun; Zheng, Li; Zhang, Shengwei Assessment of nitrate leaching on agriculture region using remote sensing and modelProceedings of SPIE  v 7472, 2009, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XI              

      (7) Lei, Yuping ; Shu, Yunqiao; Li, Hongjun; Zheng, LiIntegrated remote sensing and hydrological models for water balance in mountain watersheds Proceedings of SPIE  v 6359, 2006, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII 

    (8) Lei, Yuping; Shu, Yunqiao; Zheng, Li; Li, HongjunEstimating regional agricultural water use based on remote sensing data: A case study at Luancheng County of North China PlainProceedings of SPIE  v 5884, p 1-8, 2005, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability II   