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  • 姓名: 张喜英
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 无
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 86-311-85871762
  • 传真: 86-311-85815093
  • 电子邮件: xyzhang@sjziam.ac.cn 
  • 通讯地址: 河北省石家庄市槐中路286号
    简  历:
  • 张喜英,博士,研究员,博士生导师。

    1985年7月毕业于北京农业大学(现在的中国农业大学)农业气象系,获得学士学位,同年分配到365英国上市官网石家庄农业现代化研究所(现在的365英国上市官网)工作至今。2006年在职获得日本东京大学博士学位(农学)。1989-1990在英国洛桑实验站进修一年;1996年在澳大利亚CSIRO水土资源所进修半年; 2002年在美国加州大学戴维斯进修半年。现任365英国上市官网农业水资源重点实验室和河北省节水农业重点实验室副主任。

  • 农田节水机理和技术 









    1、“Agricultural Water Management”主编;

    2、“European Journal of Agronomy”、”Field Crops Research”、“Journal of Arid Land”、“中国生态农业学报”、”灌溉排水学报”、”作物学报“编委。 




  • Haotian Li, Lu Li, Na Liu, Suying Chen, Liwei Shao, Sekiya Nobuhito, Xiying Zhang*. 2022. Root efficiency and water use regulation relating to rooting depth of winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management, 269:107710.

    Baoru Li, Xiying Zhang, Shigenori Morita, Nobuhito Sekiya , Hideki Araki , Huijie Gu , Jie Han, Yang Lu , Xiuwei Liu*. 2022. Are crop deep roots always beneficial for combating drought: A review of root structure and function, regulation and phenotyping, Agricultural Water Management, 271:107781.

    Yunzhou Qiao, Dongxiao Li, Wenjun Qiao, Yongpeng Li, Hong Yang, Wenwen Liu, Mengyu Liu, Xiying Zhang, Baodi Dong*. 2022. Development and application of a relative soil water content – transpiration efficiency curve for screening high water use efficiency wheat cultivars. Front. Plant Sci 13:967210.

    Shiming Duan, Baoru Li, Huijie Gu, Hanbing Jiang, Xiying Zhang, Xiuwei Liu*. 2022. Root matters: Lying seeds flat with the crease down improves grain yield in winter wheat under drought stress. Plant and Soil,477:577-594

    Hanbing Jiang, Huijie GU, Hui Chen, Hongyong Sun, Xiying Zhang, Xiuwei Liu*. 2022. Comparative cryogenic extraction rehydration experiments reveal isotope fractionation during root water uptake in Gramineae, New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.18423

    Lu Li, Jiexi Guan, Suying Chen*, Xiying Zhang. Intermittent deep tillage on improving soil physical properties and crop performance in an intensive cropping system. Agronomy, 2022, 12:688.

    Shuoshuo Liang, Xiying Zhang*,Yang Lu, Ping An, Zongzheng Yan , Suying Chen, 2021. Spatial soil water and nutrient distribution affecting the water productivity of winter wheat[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 256:107114.

    Lu Yang, Enli Wang, Zhigan Zhao, Xiuwei Liu, Ailing Tian, Xiying Zhang*, 2021. Optimizing irrigation to reduce N leaching and maintain high crop productivity through the manipulation of soil water storage under summer monsoon climate. Field Crops Research, 265:108110.

    Xiying Zhang,*  Fasilate Uwimpaye , Zongzheng Yan , Liwei Shao , Suying Chen , 2021.Hongyong Sun , Xiuwei Liu, Water productivity improvement in summer maize – A case study in the North China Plain from 1980 to 2019, Agricultural Water Management,247:106728

    Suying Chen, Xiying Zhang , Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Junfang Niu, Xiuwei Liu2020Effects of straw and manure management on soil and crop performance in North China PlainCATENA187,  104359

    Zongzheng Yan , Xiying Zhang*,  Muhammad Adil Rashid , Hongjun Li , Haichun Jing , Zvi Hochman2020. Assessment of the sustainability of different cropping systems under three irrigation strategies in the North China Plain under climate changeAgricultural Systems178102745

    Hanbing Jiang , Sarah J. Feakins , Hongyong Sun , Xiaojuan Feng , Xiying Zhang , Xiuwei Liu2020. Dynamic changes in leaf wax n-alkanes and d13C during leaf development in winter wheat under varied irrigation experiments. Organic Geochemistry146:104054

    Shuoshuo Liang, Xiying Zhang*,Yang Lu,Ping An,Zongzheng Yan,Suying Chen, 2020. Performance of double cropping silage maize with plastic mulch in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 2020,112:4133-4146

    Qin Fang, X. Y. Zhang,* S. Y. Chen, L. W. Shao, H. Y. Sun, and Z. Z. Yan2019Selecting Traits to Reduce Seasonal Yield Variation of Summer Maize in the North China PlainAgron. J. 111:343–353 (2019)

    Sun, HY; Zhang, XY; Liu, XJ; Liu, XW; Shao, LW; Chen, SY; Wang, JT; Dong, XL,2019. Impact of different cropping systems and irrigation schedules on evapotranspiration, grain yield and groundwater level in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 211(1):202-209

    Rashid, MA (Rashid, Muhammad Adil); Zhang, XiYing *; Andersen, MN ; Olesen, JE, 2019.Can mulching of maize straw complement deficit irrigation to improve water use efficiency and productivity of winter wheat in North China Plain? AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, 213; ; 1-11

    Rashid, MA ; Jabloun, M; Andersen, MN; Zhang, XY; Olesen, JE , 2019. Climate change is expected to increase yield and water use efficiency of wheat in the North China Plain, Agriculture Water Management, 222:193-203

    Qin Fang, Xiying Zhang*, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun, 2018. Assessing the performance of different irrigation systems on winter wheat under limited water supply. Agricultural Water Management 196:133-143.

    Muhammad Adil Rashid, Mathias Neumann Andersen, Bernd Wollenweber, Xiying Zhang, J EivindOlesen. 2018. Acclimation to higher VPD and temperature minimized negative effects on assimilation and grain yield of wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248: 119-129.

    Muhammad Adil Rashid, Mathias Neumann Andersen, Bernd Wollenweber, Kirsten K,Xiying Zhang, J Eivind Olesen 2018. Impact of  heat-wave at high and low VPD on photosynthetic components of wheat and their recovery. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 147:138-146

    Yang Lu, Sandra Payen, Stewart Ledgard, Jiafa Luo, Lin Ma, Xiying Zhang*, 2018. Components of feed affecting water footprint of feedlot dairy farm systems in Northern China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 183:208-219.

    Allah Wasaya, Xiying Zhang*, Qin Fang and Zongzheng Yan. 2018. Root Phenotyping for Drought Tolerance: A Review. Agronomy, 8:241

    H. Sun, X. Zhang, X. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Ju, and L. Shao. 2018. The long-term impact of irrigation on selected soil properties and grain production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 73:308-318

    Wenli Qin, Xiying Zhang*, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun, Liwei Shao. 2018. Crop rotation and N application rate affecting the performance of winter wheat under deficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 210:330-339.

    Mohamed Jabloun,  Xiaoxin Li,  Xiying Zhang,  Fulu Tao,  Chunsheng Hu, J E. Olesen, 2018. Sensitivity of simulated crop yield and nitrate leaching of the wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain to model parameters. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263:25-40.

    Hongjun Li, Jiazhen Li, Yanjun Shen, Xiying Zhang, Yuping Lei. 2018. Web-based irrigation decision support system with limited inputs for farmers. Agricultural Water Management, 210:279-285.

    Liting Liu, Chunsheng Hu, E. Olesen, Zhaoqiang Ju, Xiying Zhang. 2017. Effect of warming and nitrogen addition on evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in a wheat-soybean/fallow rotation from 2010 to 2014. Climate Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-016-1825-8.

    Zhang Xiying*, Qin Wenli, Chen Suying, Shao Liwei, Sun Hongyong. 2017. Responses of yield and WUE of winter wheat to water stress during the past three decades—A case study in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management. Agricultural Water Management 179: 47–54.

    Qin Fang, Xiying Zhang*, Suying Chen, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, 2017.Selecting traits to increase winter wheat yield under climate changein the North China Plain. Field Crops Research 207:30–41.

    Yang Lu, Xiying Zhang*, Suying Chen, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Junfang Niu, 2017. Increasing the Planting Uniformity Improves the yield of summer maize. Agronomy Journal 109:1-13.

    Wenying Zhang, Bianyin Wang, Binhui Liu, Zhaojin Pang, Xishen Wang, Xiying Zhang,* and Xurong Mei*, 2016. Performance of New Released Winter Wheat Cultivars in Yield: A Case Study in the North China Plain. 108:1346–1355.

    Zhang Xiying*, Qin Wenli, Xie Juanna. 2016. Improving water use efficiency in grain production of winter wheat and summer maize in the North China Plain: a review. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. DOI : 10.15302/J-FASE-2016090

    Zhang Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiying*, Chen Suying, Sun Hongyong, Shao Liwei, Liu Xiuwei.2016. Optimized timing of using canopy temperature to select high yielding cultivars of winter wheat under different water regimes. Expl. Agric. 1-6.

    Liu X., Feike T., Chen S. Shao L., Sun H., Zhang X*. 2016. Effects of saline irrigation on soil salt accumulation and grain yield in the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system in the low plain of North ChinaJournal of Integrative Agriculture 15: 60345-7.

    Lu Y., Zhang X*., Chen S., Shao L., Sun H. 2016. Changes in water use efficiency and water footprint in grain production over the past 35 years: a case study in the North China Plain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 116:71-79.

    Sun H., Zhang X.*, Wang E., Shao L., Chen S., Qin W. 2016. Assessing the contribution of weather and management to the annual yield variation of summer maize using APSIM in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 194:94-102.

    Liu X., Sun H., Feike T., Zhang X*., Shao L., Chen S. 2016. Assessing the impact of air pollution on grain yield of winter wheat - A case study in the North China Plain. PLoS ONE. 2016. 11(9): e0162655.

    Yanzhe Wang, Xiying Zhang*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen, 2016. Soil water regime affecting correlation of carbon Isotope discrimination with yield and water-use efficiency of winter wheat. Crop Science. 86:1-13

    Xiuwei Liu, Til Feike, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen, Xiying Zhang*, 2016. Effects of different irrigation regimes on soil compaction in a winter wheat–summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain, Catena. 137: 70–76.

    Zhang Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiying*, Liu XW, Shao LW,Chen SY,Sun HY, 2016. Improving Winter Wheat Performance by Foliar Spray of ABA and FA Under Water Deficit Conditions. J Plant Growth Regul. 2016. 35:83-96

    Sun HY, Zhang XY*, Wang EL, Chen SY, Shao LW. 2015. Quantifying the impact of irrigation on groundwater reserve and cropproduction – A case study in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 70:48–56

    Zhang XY, Zhang XY*,Liu XW, Shao LW,Sun HY,,Chen SY. 2015.Incorporating root distribution factor to evaluate soil water statusfor winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management. 153:32–41

    Liu XW, Zhang XY*,Chen SY,Sun HY, Shao LW. 2015.Subsoil compaction and irrigation regimes affect the root–shootrelation and grain yield of winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management. 154: 59–67.

    Zhigan Zhao, Xin Qin, Enli Wang*, Peter Carberry, Yinghua Zhang, Shunli Zhou, Xiying Zhang, Chunsheng Hu, Zhimin Wang*.. 2015. Modelling to increase the eco-efficiency of a wheat–maize double cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.210:36-46.

    Chen SY, Sun HY, Shao LW, Zhang XY*. 2014. Performance of winter wheat under different irrigation regimes associated with weather conditions in the North China Plain. Australian. Journal of Crop Science. 8550-55.

    Hongyong Sun, Xiying Zhang,* Suying Chen, and Liwei Shao, 2014, Performance of a Double Cropping System under a Continuous Minimum Irrigation Strategy.  Agron. J. 106:281–289. 

     Xiying Zhang*, Shufen Wang, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen, Liwei Shao, Xiuwei Liu. 2013. Contribution of cultivar, fertilizer and weather to yield variation of winter wheat over three decades: A case study in the North China Plain. Europ. J. Agronomy, 50:52– 59.

    Zhang X.Y*., Wang Y.Z., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Shao L.W. 2013.  Optimizing the yield of winter wheat by regulating water consumption during vegetative and reproductive stages under limited water supply. Irrigation Science. 31:1103–1112 .

    Liu XW, Shao LW, Sun HY, Chen SY, Zhang XY*. 2013. Responses of yield and water use efficiency to irrigation amount decided by pan evaporation for winter wheat. Agric. Water Manage. 129:173-180. 

    Yanzhe Wang, Xiying Zhang, Xiuwei Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Liwei Shao,Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen. 2013. The effects of nitrogen supply and water regime on instantaneous WUE, time-integrated WUE and carbon isotope discrimination in winter wheat. Field Crops Research. 144:236–244.

    Sun H, Shao L, Chen S, Wang Y and Zhang X*.  2013. Effects of sowing time and rate on crop growth and radiation use efficiency. International Journal of Plant Production. 7(1):117-138.

    Niu JF, Zhang WF, Ru SH, Chen XP, Xiao K, Zhang XY, Assara M, Imas P, Hille M, Zhang FS. 2013. Effects of potassium fertilization on winter wheat under different production practices in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research. 140: 69–76. 

    Taisheng Du, Shaozhong Kang, Xiying Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, 2013. China's food security is threatened by the unsustainable use of water resources in North and Northwest China, Food and Energy Security 10/2013; DOI:10.1002/fes3.40.

    Zhang X.Y*., Shao L.W., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Wang Y.Z. 2012.Incorporation of Soil Bulk Density in Simulating Root Distribution of Winter Wheat and Maize in Two Contrasting Soils. Soil Science Society American Journal. 76: 638-647.

    Sun H.Y, Shao L.W., Liu X.W., Miao W.F., Chen S.Y., Zhang X. Y*. 2012. Determination of water consumption and the water-saving potential of three mulching methods in a jujube orchard.  European Journal of Agronomy. 43:87-95. 

    Wang F, Zhang X, Zhang K, Bai L. 2012.Simulation of intensive swine wastewater irrigation of wheat-maize with RZWQM in North China Plain. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 10:1020-1024. 

    Shao L.W., Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Y.M. 2011.  Yield and water use response of winter wheat to winter irrigation in the North China Plain. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 66: 104-113 

    Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Shao L.W., Wang Y.Z. 2011. Changes in evapotranspiration over irrigated winter wheat and maize in North China Plain over three decadesAgricultural Water Management, 98: 1097-1104.

    Chen S.Y., Zhang X.Y*., Sun H.Y., Ren T.S., Wang Y.M. 2010. Effects of winter wheat row spacing on evapotranpsiration, grain yield and water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management, 97 :1126–1132. 

    Sun H.Y., Shen Y.J.,Yu Q., Flerchinger G.N., Zhang Y.Q., Liu C. M., Zhang X.Y., 2010. Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat–summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97:1139-1145. 

    Shao L.W., Zhang X.Y*., Hideki A., Tsuji A, Chen S.Y. 2010. Effects of Defoliation on Grain Yield and Water Use of Winter Wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 148:191-204. 

    Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Y.M., Shao L.W. 2010. Water use efficiency and associated traits in winter wheat cultivars in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97:1117–1125. 

    Du TS, Kang SZ, Sun JS, Zhang XY, Zhang JH. 2010. An improved water use efficiency of cereals under temporal and spatial deficit irrigation in north China, Agricultural Water Management, 97: 66-74. 

    Zhang X.Y*, Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Y.M., Shao L.W. 2009. Root size, distribution and soil water depletion as affected by cultivars and environmental factors. Field Crops Research, 114: 75–83 

    Wang Y.M.,Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Zhang X.Y*. 2009. Effects of different cultivation practices on soil temperature and wheat spike differentiation. Cereal Research Communication, 37(4): 587-596 

    Shao L.W., Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Z.H. 2009. Effects of irrigation frequency under limited irrigation on root water uptake, yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat. Irrigation & Drainage, 58:393-405. 

    Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Pei D., Wang Y.M. 2008. Dry matter, harvest index, grain yield and water use efficiency as affected by water supply in winter wheat, Irrig Sci. 27:1–10.

    Qiu GY, Wang LM, He XH, Zhang XY, Chen SY, Yang J, Yang YH. 2008.  Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and its response to irrigation regime in the north China plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(11):1848-1859.

    Sun H.Y., Zhang X.Y*., Chen S.Y., Pei D., Liu C.M. 2007.Effects of Harvest and Sowing Time on the Performance of the Rotation of Winter wheat - Summer Maize in the North China Plain. Industrial crops and products,25,239-247 

    Chen S.Y., Zhang X.Y*., Pei D., Sun H.Y., Chen S.L. 2007. Effects of straw mulching on soil temperature, evaporation and yield of winter wheat: field experiments on the North China Plain. Annals of Applied Biology, 150, 261-268.

    Xiying Zhang*, Dong Pei, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun and Yonghui Yang, 2006, Performance of Double-Cropped Winter Wheat–Summer Maize under Minimum Irrigation in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 98:1620-1626. 

    Hong-Yong Sun, Chang-Ming Liu, Xi-Ying Zhang, Yan-Jun Shen, Yong-Qiang Zhang2006, Effects of irrigation on water balance, yield and WUE of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management 85:211–218.

    Liming Wang, Guoyu Qiu, Xiying Zhang, Suying Chen, 2005, Application of a new method to evaluate crop water stree index, Irrigation Science, 24:49-54. 

    Hu Chunsheng, Delgado J.A, Zhang Xiying, Ma Liwang. 2005. Assessment of groundwater use by wheat in the Luancheng Xian Region and potential implications for water conservation in the Northwestern North China Plain, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 60:80-88 

    Xiying Zhang*, Suying Chen, Mengyu Liu, Dong Pei, Hongyong Sun, 2005, Improved Water use efficiency associated with cultivars and agronomic management in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 97:783-790 

    Zhang Xiying*, Chen Suying, Pei Dong, Liu Mengyu and Sun Hongyong, 2005. Evapotranspiration, yield and crop coefficient of irrigated maize under straw mulch, Pedosphere, 15(5) 576-584.

    Xiying Zhang*, Dong Pei and Suying Chen, 2004Root growth and soil water utilization of winter wheat in the North China Plain, Hydrological Processes,18:2275-2287. 

    Yongqiang Zhang, Qiang Yu, Changming Liu, Jie Jiang, and Xiying Zhang, 2004Estimation of Winter Wheat Evapotransiration under Water Stress with Two Semiempirical Approaches, Agronomy Journal, 96:159-168. 

    Xiying Zhang*, Dong Pei and Chunsheng Hu, 2003Conserving groundwater for irrigation in the North China Plain,Irrigation Science, 21159-166. 

    Zhang Xiying, Pei Dong, Chen Suying, Mengyu Liu. 2003, Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, yield components and water-use efficiency of winter wheat (Abstract), Journal of Experimental Botany (Supplement) 54:18 

    Changmin Liu, Xiying Zhang, Yongqiang Zhang, 2002Determination of Daily evaporation and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and maize by large-scale weighting lysimeter and micro-lysimeter, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111:109-120 

    Zhang Xiying Pei Dong, Li Zhihong, Wang Yukun, 2002, Management of supplemental irrigation of winter wheat for maximum profit, Deficit irrigation Practices, Water Reports 22, 57-66. 

    Johnson SH,Svendsen M, Xiying Zhang, 1998, Changes in system performance in two Chinese irrigation system as a result of organizational reforms, Irrigation and Drainage Systems,12:289~309. 

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