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论文题目 QTL Detection for Kernel Size and Weight in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using a High-Density SNP and SSR-Based Linkage Map
作  者 Qiannan Su (苏倩男) , Xilan Zhang (张希兰) , Wei Zhang , Na Zhang (张娜) , Liqiang Song (宋利强) , Lei Liu(刘磊) ,Xin Xue , Guotao Liu , Jiajia Liu (刘佳佳), Deyuan Meng (孟德元) , Liya Zhi (茱莉亚) , Jun Ji(纪军) , Xueqiang Zhao , Chunling Yang , Yiping Tong , Zhiyong Liu and Junming Li (李俊明);
发表年度 2018
刊物名称 Frontier in plant science
卷、期、页码 Published online; ;
High-density genetic linkage maps are essential for precise mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In this study, a high-density genetic linkage map consisted of 6312 SNP and SSR markers was developed to identify QTL controlling kernel size and weight, based on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of Shixin828 and Kenong2007. Seventy-eight putative QTL for kernel length (KL), kernel width (KW), kernel diameter ratio (KDR), and thousand kernel weight (TKW) were detected over eight environments by inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM). Of these, six stable QTL were identified in more than four environments, including two for KL (qKL-2D and qKL-6B.2), one for KW (qKW-2D.1), one for KDR (qKDR-2D.1) and two for TKW (qTKW-5A and qTKW-5B.2). Unconditional and multivariable conditional QTL mapping for TKW with respect to TKW component (TKWC) revealed that kernel dimensions played an important role in regulating the kernel weight. Seven QTL-rich genetic regions including seventeen QTL were found on chromosomes 1A (2), 2D, 3A, 4B and 5B (2) exhibiting pleiotropic effects. In particular, clusters on chromosomes 2D and 5B possessing significant QTL for kernel-related traits were highlighted. Markers tightly linked to these QTL or clusters will eventually facilitate further studies for fine mapping, candidate gene discovery and marker-assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding
全文链接 http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01484