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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Regional water balance based on remotely sensed evapotranspiration and irrigation: an assessment of the Haihe plain, China Yanmin Yang (杨艳敏), Yonghui Yang(杨永辉) , De Li Liu , Tom Nordblom , Bingfang Wu and Nana Yan; remote sensing 2014
Prediction of cotton yield and water demand under climate change and future adaptation measures Yanmin Yang(杨艳敏), Yonghui Yang(杨永辉), Shumin Han(韩淑敏), Ian Macadam, De Li Liu,; Agricultural Water Management 2014
China’s dimming and brightening: evidence, causes and hydrological implications Y. W. Wang(王雅雯) and Y. H. Yang (杨永辉); Annales Geophysicae 2014
Air pollution is pushing wind speed into a regulator of surface solar irradiance in China Y W Wang(王雅雯), Y H Yang(杨永辉), X Y Zhou(周新尧), N Zhao and J H Zhang; Environmental Research Letters 2014
Soybean miR172c targets the repressive AP2 transcription factor NNC1 to activate ENOD40 expression and regulate nodule initiation Wang Youning(王幼宁), Wang Lixiang (王利祥), Zou Yanmin(邹艳敏), Chen Liang(陈亮), Cai Zhaoming(蔡兆明), Zhang Senlei(张森磊), Zhao Fang(赵芳), Tian Yinping(田银萍), Jiang Qiong(姜琼), Ferguson B., Gresshoff P.M., Li Xia(李霞)*.; Plant Cell 2014
Identification of Cold-Responsive miRNAs and Their Target Genes in Nitrogen-Fixing Nodules of Soybean Senlei Zhang (张森磊), Youning Wang (王幼宁), Kexue Li(李科学), Yanmin Zou (邹艳敏), Liang Chen(陈亮) , and Xia Li(李霞)*; International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014
Identification of TaWD40D, a wheat WD40 repeat-containing protein that is associated with plant tolerance to abiotic stresses Dejing Kong(孔德晶), Mengjun Li(李孟军), Zhanghui Dong(董章辉), Hongtao Ji (纪洪涛)and Xia Li*(李霞); Plant Cell Reports 2014
PEG-mediated osmotic stress induces premature differentiation of the root apical meristem and outgrowth of lateral roots in wheat Hongtao Ji(纪洪涛), Ling Liu(刘玲), Kexue Li,(李科学) Qingen Xie(谢庆恩), Zhijuan Wang(王志娟), Xuhua Zhao(赵旭华) and Xia Li*(李霞); Journal of Experimental Botany 2014
PRL1 modulates root stem cell niche activity and meristem size through WOX5 and PLTs in Arabidopsis Hongtao Ji (纪洪涛), Shuangfeng Wang (王双凤), Kexue Li(李科学), Dóra Szakonyi, Csaba Koncz and Xia Li*(李霞); The Plant Journal 2014
A novel genetic map of wheat: utility for mapping QTL for yield under different nitrogen treatments Fa Cu(崔法), Xiaoli Fan(樊小莉), Chunhua Zhao(赵春华), Wei Zhang(张玮 ), Mei Chen(陈梅), Jun Ji, and Junming Li; BMC Genetics 2014
Attribution of satellite-observed vegetation trends in a hyper-arid region of the Heihe River basin,Western China Y. Wang(王彦芳), M. L. Roderick, Y. Shen(沈彦俊), and F. Sun; Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2014
AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 3 integrates the functions of AGAMOUS and APETALA2 in floral meristem determinacy. Liu X*, Dinh TT, Li D, Shi B, Li Y, Cao X, Guo L, Pan Y, Jiao Y, Chen X*.(* Corresponding Author); The Plant Journal 2014
DNA topoisomerase I affects polycomb group protein-mediated epigenetic regulation and plant development by altering nucleosome distribution in Arabidopsis. Liu X, Gao L, Dinh TT, Shi T, Li D, Wang R, Guo L, Xiao L, Chen X.; Plant Cell 2014
Evaluating the vegetation growing season changes in the arid region of northwestern China Yanfang Wang(王彦芳), Yanjun Shen(沈彦俊,通讯作者), Fubao Sun(孙福宝), Yaning Chen(陈亚宁); Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2014
Evaluation of the FAO AquaCrop model for winter wheat on the North China Plain under deficit irrigation from field experiment to regional yield simulation M. Anjum Iqbal*, Yanjun Shen(沈彦俊), Ruzica Stricevicb, Hongwei Pei(裴宏伟), Hongyoung Sun(孙宏勇); Agricultural Water Management 2014